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Showing posts with label warm up. Show all posts
Showing posts with label warm up. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Rusty Jeffers - Warm Up for Injured Shoulders

Rusty Jeffers posted his experience in warming up his injured shoulders before workout to the forum of

"I have had both shoulders done and one re-done from a shitty surgeon from the first time. I warm up about 15 minutes with rubber bands, moving my shoulders in all possible ways, front, rear, sides, start with very light weights and do chest first if possible to get them really warmed up. I don't go really heavy that much since it just seems to irritate them and NO MILITARY just frickin' hurts like hell later, like 10 min. later. I also do biceps inbetween some back exercises, the surgeon said I have to keep my bicepinal tendon warm doing, I do whatever bicep exercise in between, not heavy, but to keep a light pump. Train smart and take plenty of joint supplementation, yes I know that can be pricey but it's worth it."