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Showing posts with label nutrition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nutrition. Show all posts

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Rusty Jeffers - "I train and eat pretty good, why don't I grow??"

Rusty Jeffers said he got tons of email asking the same question - "I train and eat pretty good, why don't I grow??". Rusty answered that question on his forum:


I know I normally reserve this stuff for the members only area but the main thing I get and I get this .....ready for this one???

I train and eat pretty good, why don't I grow??

This is very easy for me to figure out... If you are truly training your ass off and I'm sure you think you are...and maybe you are...but 90% of what everybodys problem is not eating correctly to actually BUILD LEAN MUSCLE TISSUE. If you are, this is your typical nutritional day. and I mean IF, so read on..

If you are eating every 2 to 3 hours and there is at least 30 gms of protein in it..

If you get red meat in at least once a day and the rest is chicken, egg whites or protein drinks. (protein drinks are used as a supplement, not a meal unless you just can't get that meal in. Drinks are not a SUBSTITUTED FOR MEALS...WITH AN "S" ONE MEAL!

If you are eating fresh veggies daily or even twice if you really want to do it right.

If your carbs come from rice or potatoes or oatmeal

If you don't take in dairy except for maybe a protein shake

If you don't suck down sugar daily

If you eat first thing upon arising unless you are contest dieting.

If you can say you are doing all of the above, its your training. I'll bet you are all scratching your heads saying but I can't get that much in...well, not everyones a pro, or looks exactly like they want to, do they?!!?? If you want it, this is what you're gonna have to do. THere's no easy way around the nutrition stuff. I know people who train great and eat like crap and you can tell. Their skin looks like crap, they have uneven physiques, they have fat stored in awkward places. Unless you do it right ALL the time, it doesn't work does it? In the advanced members area, there are meals/training/advice to get you where you want to go. This is a nutshell for... what are you doing wrong? It's pretty telling when I sit down with someone to do their training program/eating regime. I tell them to fill out a diet log for 1 week and bring it to me with all the bad stuff. It takes me 3 seconds to see what's wrong even if it's pretty good overall. There's always that one thing, or several. It's good to get rid of all the stuff that would hinder your progress by 1 to 3 years out in the open and get you on the right track. If you study the above "if" list, you will get yourself fairly straight today, well, somewhat at least!!

Hope this helps the huge amount of email I get on this subject and yes I am available to help you one on one, either in person or by email. Good luck and remember, this doesn't come easy but when it does, it's easy to enjoy it!!!!"