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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Rusty Jeffers - Recommendation for 2X a Week Split

Rusty Jeffers posted a recommendation for 2X a week split onto the forum of

"Depends on where in your training you're at. Precontest sometimes I like to do more superset where I include chest/back together, offseason I like to do them seperately. I'll assume you're fairly new at all of this, no contest in site...

Basic split --- If you want to train each bodypart 1X a week, then take a day off

Chest by itself
Back by itself
Quads by themselves
Hams & Biceps
Shoulders Triceps
You can put calves/abs wherever you still have energy after a workout

You can arrange these however you feel is most productive for you. I'll always do a smaller bodypart after legs.

2X a week split

Chest, shoulders, triceps one day

back and bi's on another day

Legs on the 3rd day,

Take day 4 off and repeat

Abs and calves you can do Mon, Wed,and Friday,

4 exercises on major bodyparts, smaller ones like arms 2 sets. Reps depend on what you like, do sets of 12 to start with and go from there. You'll figure it out as you go, that's what we all do!!"

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