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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Rusty Jeffers - Which is the Best Workout for You? Trial and Error!

Rusty Jeffers posted a reply to a query about HIT/ Volume training on the forum of

"HIT training really is just Mentzer overload training...look.. these workouts come and go every 10 years and someone else tags their frickin' name on it...there isn't any KIND of's what you do in the gym...You need to find a happy balance that makes your body respond. Trial and error is the best way to do that. Not someone elses workout. Make sure you take each training system and do it exactly as its meant to be. Measure your progress..write stuff down...then decide what works. Give it at LEAST 6 weeks for each training system you decide to try. Personally I fall back into the multi set volume type of training for the standard of my bodybuilding work. I have made some gains in the past on the Mentzer type of training. if I'm pressed for time, and have a lot of things going on in my life, it's good to have less time in the gym and still be able to make progress. To be a well rounded bodybuilder you need to try these different systems to have a working knowledge of what each system is capable of for YOU and what they're NOT. Don't forget!!! Training is only part of the equation."

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