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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Rusty Jeffers - Eat Clean, Train and Sleep

Rusty Jeffers posted a message to the forum ( that "bulking diet and then diet" is no good to your skin and appearance:

"You have to expect to lose some strength when you diet, you can't just balloon up and then start dieting and not expect a loss in strength. You should never be on a "bulking" diet, you should always just eat right and you'll always look good and keep making improvements. The chowing down, the starving doesn't do you, your skin or your appearance any good....why do people keep doing this?? Look, eat clean, eat at least 1.5 to 2 gms protein per lb of bodyweight, eat every 2.5 hours, train your ass off, get plenty of sleep. There are NO secrets, do that and see how much better you look and feel...of course that will take about a year to really understand this concept, and if you're like most of my clients, I'm sure you don't want to wait that long right? Those who do, reap the benefits!!!"

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